Monday, 8 June 2015

So here I came to my own lagna, the lagna of Sinners, the lagna with maximum effect of demonic powers and malafic effects from the divine, the lagna of those who had committed serious sins in their pSt lives like demolishibg any religious place, killing priests or religious animaletc. Its Capricorn. 
The unique observations about Capricorn are-
Liars, tendency of secret revenge, hard to judge, natural decivers, early success almost impossible. 
Now see the role of planets-
Jupiter-Dispite of being naturally most benific planet and deva guru Jupiter is most malafic planet for Capricorn owing two bad houses 3rd and 12th the only conditions under which it can be benific are-
1. Jupiter sits in evil houses
2. Jupiter gets exalted in Navmansha or fall in pushkar navmasa
Sun- King of planets Sun holds bitter enimity with Saturn and it owns the house of death 8th house it can be benific only under the situations as for Jupiter
Moon- Malafic for Capricorn and most probably the reason why majority of Capricorns fail to have good married life as it holds vivah sthan 7th house
Mars- Based on placemente in the chart if exalted give superb results
Mercury-Most beneficial after Venus as it holds 6th and 9th house so can give both rajyogas and vipreet rajyogas it is very hard for mercury to provide bad results for Capricorn
Venus- Demon guru Shukra is most beneficial as it holds a trine and a quadrant 5th and 10th house any connection in between saturn venus or mercury venus gives immence benufits
Saturn-Lagna lord hilda 1st and 2nd house so it is very important for saturn to be strong if saturn alone is strong in this chart it asdures drlayed but bug success
Rahu-Based on placrments
Ketu- Same
So jupiter the best planet and most merciful planet being punisher for Capricorns indicates the heinous deeds in past life.
5th house is the house of past life karmas and 10th house is for its outcome 10th house is also the housd of highest activities and owned by tge judge Saturn so all Capricorn lagna borns always worship Shukracharya and Lord Shiva for relax life
All glory tp Danav Guru Shukracharya like ny page for mire updates in future

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Beyond Lights - The Darkness Knocks (Scientific Explanation Of God And Satan)
Beyond Lights –Shadow Of The Darkness – Book describing dark entities from India like- Dayaan,Chudail,Pret,Pisaach
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A Tale Of Ten Candles – Urban Legends From India
Fantastic Finance –Book on Strategic Finance
Books in pipeline –
Amazing Astrology – A book on Non-Traditional Raj Yogas
Negatives – Heroes Not Allowed
Bramhana – The most dangerous and Scared community in India

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