Tuesday, 9 June 2015

So here I am here to discuss abiut the true nature, qualities and effects of the shadow planets in vedic astrology called Rahu and Ketu after reading some stupid remarks from some half astroligers like as ketu is the shadow planet of mars so it will also get exalted in Capricorn like mars as it should behave like mars being its shadow.
This was a good joke to refresh your mood but on the serious note I came to know that the level of misconception about shadow planets is so high among people.
Now the first question is
What is a shadow planet and does it really behaves like their original depositors? 
A shadow planet is without any mass and yes they behave like their depositors like Rahu the shadow of Saturn and Ketu the Shadow of Mars but behaving like saturn and mars does not mean that they have qualities and attributes of mars and saturn just like your shadow will behave like you if you kick your shadow will also kick, if you sit your shadow will also sit but it doesn't mean that you and your shadow are same.
You may be five feet tall but the length of your shadow depends upon the direction of light it can be ten feet tall or even one feet, in the absence of light your shadow vanishes but you still exists so behaving like someone and having qualities like somemone are two very different things.
Now come to rahu.
Who is Rahu?
In vedas Rahu is said to be a head but no lower body part , no stmouch, no heart etc.
Rahu represents illusion, materialistic desires, greed.
Rahu has a mouth with which it can eat but it can never be satisfied as he has no body to disburse what it eats, it just want more more and more of everything. 
For those ignorant person who belive that shadow has the quality of he depositor must know that Rahu is the shadow of Saturn and Saturn denotes limits, boundries, tradition, contraction whereas Rahu acts as an amplifier it enlarges everything it touches of the sign and house it sits in.
Houses in whuch Rahu said to give good results are-
1, 3,6,11
Signs suitable for Rahu-
Taurus, Gemini and cancer is mooltrikona
Exalted in Taurus
Now ketu, Ketu is a headless body , an extreme energy but without any direction as it has full body but no brain so if it sits with or aspected by strong planet of relevant lagna it gives very quick success
Houses good for ketu-
2,9, 10, 11, 12
Signs for ketu-
Exalted in saggatarious
Scorpio and Capricorn is its mooltrikona
But dispite of all these hings the analysis of Rahu and Ketu is most difficult as for example if Ketu sits in lagna it us very beneficial as it gives good looks but at the same time gives deceptive personality the nakshatras plays the most vital role in analysis of Rahu and Ketu so the Navmansha chart must be studied carefully and yes never underestimate the power of shadow planets they give the quickest nd the biggest success if well pised in your Kundali I will soon ist the rajyogas created by rahu and ketu for more interesting articles like my page amazing astrology and wait for my book coming soon
All the glory to Danava Guru Shukracharya

My Official Fan Page - https://www.facebook.com/mmohit084
My Books-
Beyond Lights - The Darkness Knocks (Scientific Explanation Of God And Satan)
Beyond Lights –Shadow Of The Darkness – Book describing dark entities from India like- Dayaan,Chudail,Pret,Pisaach
Facebook Link -https://www.facebook.com/pages/Beyond-Lights-Shadows-Of-The-Darkness/631739473572697
A Tale Of Ten Candles – Urban Legends From India
Fantastic Finance –Book on Strategic Finance
Books in pipeline –
Amazing Astrology – A book on Non-Traditional Raj Yogas
Negatives – Heroes Not Allowed
Bramhana – The most dangerous and Scared community in India

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