Thursday, 11 June 2015

Good luck can also came to you through bad route.
I heard from many astrologers that what they think of Vipreet Rajyoga.
Mind you Vipreet Rajyoga is just not a mere stroke of luck where the holder of this yoga gets sudden success, fame and money it is a much wide concept a proper vipreet rajyoga is ten times more stronger than panch mahapurush yogas and nerch bhanga raajyogas. 
It's just not that basic concet that if duststhan lord sits in own house or another duststhana it will give beneficial results.
Its just an elementary knowledge.
Vipreet Rajyoga veries from lagna to lagna and for evil lagnas like Capricorn or Makar even shadow planets lije rahu or ketu can create this yoga can create this yoga.
Its not only evil planet but planet evil lagna wise creates this yoga like jupiter as natural malafic for capricorn can create this yoga.
There are more than 64 kinda of Vipreet Rajyoga if all lagnas included but most powerful Vipreet rajyoga is when all duststhan lords conjuct and specially in 8th house and 8th lord being purna yuva (12- 18) degrees this yoga gives immortal success and fame after a hopless situation and a ling long struggle but it brings change over night and contrary to commin belive this yoga doesn't need supporting rajyogas
Soon I will post how vipreet rajyoga works for different lagnas
Jai DanavGuru Shukracharya

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Who don't know Mark Zuckerberg the owner of the biggest social networking site Facebook today.
The strongest effect of Vipreet Rajyoga can be seen from his kundali and mind you this is his natal chare his navmans chart too has a good story to say but in bad words.
Lagna- Taurus
3rd house owner- Moon
6th house- Venus
8th house owner- Jupiter
12th house owner- Mars
Out of these four tgree are natural benific planets now move to his conjuctions leaving the aspects or dristies.
3rd house- empty
6th house- saturn, moon and mars so first come to vipreet rajyoga as moon and mars or 3rd and 12th lords are conjucted into 6th house the results are very aggressive thinker he will sure marty a personified lady and earn maximum with minimum input becouse moon optimizes the efgorts of mars here remember moon is the fastest moving planet and mars is karka of work with saturn here with moon and mars as saturn conjuction with both moon and mars is adverse under normal circumstances but this is an adverse house and if ars and moon are togather in Capricorn or Libra they always produce magnatic effect and same result will be if they conjucted under a vipreet rajyoga condition the only bad outcome of this combination is that person will never be able to hide hus secret relationships.
8th house-Jupiter
Here Jupiter being 8th house lord is in its mooltrikona sign very very beneficial when a planet own either lagna and 8th house or 11th and 8th house creates vipreet rajyoga it give immense wealth for very long period of time and immortal fame as 11th house is for your wordly desires
12th house-Venus and Mercury-The speciality about mercury is that ir is a neutral planet if with benific it beahaves like benific if with malafic it behaves like malafic and Venus is 6th house lord so there is parivartana or exchange of houses in between mars and venus and venus magnifies the creative and communicattion quality of mercury here the result is Facebook an endless route of communication created by him
Thus ndali is one of the perfect example of vipreet rajyoga as all the duststhana or bad house lords are in evil houses only hope I may have been successful in clearing this concept to you guys wait for my book amazing astrology soon and like my author page given below…
All the gliry to Danav Guru Shukracharya

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Wednesday, 10 June 2015

So finally I came to the subject the divine protection or protection by your isth deva or protection by your kul devta.
Who is your kul devata?? 
Just like you get the property of your father and fore fathers and get diseases last je blood pressure or heart as genetic heridatory your luck also gains the good and bad impact of your elders karmas
Bad effrcts are like pitru dosha, kaal sarp bhaya yoga etc. And on good side the strength of your ninth house and navmasnsha chart.
One one deity is been continously worshipped for generations in a family it will became your kul devata and its effect will be clean on your kundali.
For exampke kul devata in my family is Hanumaan ji and in the kundali of me and my siblings Saturn is very strong planet.
So if your ninth house is auspicious it means your ancestors had blessed you and were good people very few guys knows that 9th house denotes to the souls of your ancters reach the superior level of souls.
So always make it compulsory for all family members to worship one particular deity regularly ot will give great results in long run
For having government ofgicials like ias ocs worship shree maha vishnu
For harmonious family and goid loiking kids worship mahadeva
For protection and success hanumanji
For artists maa durga
For real learned wealth y kids parampia bramha
For immence wealth maa laxmi
For welfare of siciety and great ame baba bhairo
For utility to poor maa saraswati
For grand success ganpati maharaaj
And to make your ninth house strong always pect your parents and grand parents

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All the glory to Danav Guru Shukracharya today I want to tell you the facts to be considered before choosing the gemstones.
Normally the positions of planets are-
Uccha or exalted
Friendly rashi or sign
Neech or dibleated Sign
Enemy or Shatru rashi
Maraka Bhava
So when a person should wear a gemstone and when not?
If a planet is in its ucch, mooltrikona,swachetra, friendly or even in neutral sign but in good bhava and it is degree wise weak so to gain maximum out of it one should wear the relevant gemstone.
When planet is in its necch, enemy or maraka bhava never wear the gemstone.
Note-In some conditions planets who owned bad houses can also came into their exalted and mooltrikona sign like Sun goes into leo in its mool trikona but the lagna is Capricorn so never ever wear ruby or saturn gets exalted in libra but lagna is cancer so avoid blue saffire under certain and very rare cases of vipreet rajyoga these gemstones can be weared but after consulting a real knowledgeable astrologer the logic is simple when someone is your enemy never increase his strength if someone came to hit you and he has stick he will hit you with stick and if you give him gun he will shoot you so generally it is not good to wear marak planets gemstones
There is a difference between neech and enemy sign placements for neech planet if bhava and aspects are good anf planet is vcombyst or ast you can wear but for enemy placement never wear relevant gemstone

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World very often runs on opposite forces
good bad,white black,success and satisfaction,Venus and Jupiter.
You must have seen people around you working on a good post in government or MNC having beautiful wife,obedient chiildren,having a semi luxurious car,3 bhk flat and very happy in life because he is satisfied with what he has and you must have read or heard about the sucides committed by big superstars and models dispite of having lots of sexual relationships,immense wealth and fame have your ever think why?
in our horroscope the karka of wealth and luck is considered as Jupiter but this is not the whole truth Jupiter is basically karka of your satisfaction in life the lagnas ruled by jupiter or kundalies where jupiter is yogkarka are the guys of middle or upper middle class like IAS,PCS,Doctores etc. Jupiter is basic karka of satisfaction it can never give you immense wealth and fame until vipreet rajyoga or neechbhanga rajyoga occures in the lagnas ruled either by saturn or by venus.
Venus is the real karka of fame remember moon is considered as karka of fame but that is wrong moon makes person fine artist but there are many fine artist who remain unknown during their lifetime.Its venus which gives you fame,luxury and sexual affairs and immortal name if it conjucts venus and jupiter in your kundalii.
But what Venus lacks is satisfaction.
You may ride in ferari but you will miss riding on rickshaw
you may have sex with several girls but you will not be able to marry the girl you love
You may became very famous but you carve for social freedom
Everything is not meant for everyone.
Some of the unique horroscopes like mr.amitabh bacchan where both venus and jupiter are involved in one or both of unorthodox yogas like neech bhanga and vipreet rarely you will se a completly happy person.
Jupiter ruled guys always regret at the later stages of their life that they have wastede theiur life and venus ruled person always regret for what they dont have.
But one thing is very sure if you really think big in life specially Makar or Capricorn lagna borns you must choose Venus as it can give you immortal fame.
Exalted sUN OR jupiters can hardly makes you an IAS ,PCS but exalted saturn or Venus can make you whom IAS,PCS serves so if Saturn or Venus is your Yogkaraka always worship them for grand success

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Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Ketu give good resulta in signs of saturn and jupiter opposing to the fact that ketu is the shadow of mars which is Saturn's enemy
First house ketu sixth house ketu and 12 th hiuse ketu in friendly signs is best if ketu is in lagna and in friendly sign it gives its best results 
If in lagna no matter in even if in enemy's sign it makes sun uccha or exalted no matter if sun us dibleated oor ill placed in kundali but if ketu is in lagna sun will behave like good planet
First house ketu gives miksha to last three generations if it is aspected by dayurn or Jupiter the second half of life usually after 32- 36 years person grows suddenly with money and fixed assets
See tge kundali of amitabh bacchan for more visit my page amazing astrology
All glory to Danav Guru Shukracraya

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So I recived many queries regarding to which planet is good in which house or sign or bad in the same?
First of all I want to tell you that it is an uphill task and just the mere placements in houses or signs can't decide the exact effect of planets anyhow from now I will try to explain the effect of various planets in different houses one by one but first I want to make it clear that please don't consider astrology to work like magic for you no matter what ever vedic remedy you are following or gemstones yiu are wearing it cannot modify your luck for more than 25% means if you have earnings of rupee 100 in your luck it can go to rupee 125 and if you have loss of rupee 100 then it will goto rupee 75 not more than this and if any astrologer is claiming to change yoyr life than he is a sure fraud ask him to change his own lufe first.
Now come to the subject
First planet about which I am talking is Sun
Sun is considered to be the soul, health and aura
Its a divine planet of fire nature and most beneficial when placed in Leo, Aries, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Pices
Now come to the houses-
1- In first house sun gives long life and good character but relatives often deceives person these guys must worship sun, first child will be male but benefits frpm child depends upon position of mars
2- Self made individual but always respect your life partner or problems will come
3- If of good character he will never run out of money must worship saturn and moon
4- Settlement and fortune away from birthplace, problems to females in family,
If saturn in 7th house person become impotent
Be away from non veg and drink and feed blind man
5- Most fortunate but the level of fortune depends on Jupiter
Dont say lie and talk ill behind someone s back
6- Bad placement either person or his father will suffet
Luck always ran out and legal issues always on
Feed monkeys with gur chana and keep holi water ftom rivers with you
Keeping water beside your head at night will make your father long live
7- Worst placement if not get placed in friendly signs
All property will be gone
Male childs will be in danger
Serve black cow and drink water before every work
8- Apart from long life only bad outcome will be there
Sensual excitement led to humiliation and disturbance in family
Serve white cow and never reside in south face house
If sun falls in Leo tremendous benefits will occur in later stages of life
9- Better than the best placement of Sun seven generations will be long lived and financially sound
Dont take donation of rice milk and silver
10- Hard time till 34 years of life parents will suffer
Never wear black or blue cloths
Put copper coin in flowing water
11-Bad character will destroy property and peace and good character will give all sorts of benifits
12- Mental and eye disease
Be religious even in hard times never work with brother in law or uncile
Must keep place for sun light in house

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So here I am here to discuss abiut the true nature, qualities and effects of the shadow planets in vedic astrology called Rahu and Ketu after reading some stupid remarks from some half astroligers like as ketu is the shadow planet of mars so it will also get exalted in Capricorn like mars as it should behave like mars being its shadow.
This was a good joke to refresh your mood but on the serious note I came to know that the level of misconception about shadow planets is so high among people.
Now the first question is
What is a shadow planet and does it really behaves like their original depositors? 
A shadow planet is without any mass and yes they behave like their depositors like Rahu the shadow of Saturn and Ketu the Shadow of Mars but behaving like saturn and mars does not mean that they have qualities and attributes of mars and saturn just like your shadow will behave like you if you kick your shadow will also kick, if you sit your shadow will also sit but it doesn't mean that you and your shadow are same.
You may be five feet tall but the length of your shadow depends upon the direction of light it can be ten feet tall or even one feet, in the absence of light your shadow vanishes but you still exists so behaving like someone and having qualities like somemone are two very different things.
Now come to rahu.
Who is Rahu?
In vedas Rahu is said to be a head but no lower body part , no stmouch, no heart etc.
Rahu represents illusion, materialistic desires, greed.
Rahu has a mouth with which it can eat but it can never be satisfied as he has no body to disburse what it eats, it just want more more and more of everything. 
For those ignorant person who belive that shadow has the quality of he depositor must know that Rahu is the shadow of Saturn and Saturn denotes limits, boundries, tradition, contraction whereas Rahu acts as an amplifier it enlarges everything it touches of the sign and house it sits in.
Houses in whuch Rahu said to give good results are-
1, 3,6,11
Signs suitable for Rahu-
Taurus, Gemini and cancer is mooltrikona
Exalted in Taurus
Now ketu, Ketu is a headless body , an extreme energy but without any direction as it has full body but no brain so if it sits with or aspected by strong planet of relevant lagna it gives very quick success
Houses good for ketu-
2,9, 10, 11, 12
Signs for ketu-
Exalted in saggatarious
Scorpio and Capricorn is its mooltrikona
But dispite of all these hings the analysis of Rahu and Ketu is most difficult as for example if Ketu sits in lagna it us very beneficial as it gives good looks but at the same time gives deceptive personality the nakshatras plays the most vital role in analysis of Rahu and Ketu so the Navmansha chart must be studied carefully and yes never underestimate the power of shadow planets they give the quickest nd the biggest success if well pised in your Kundali I will soon ist the rajyogas created by rahu and ketu for more interesting articles like my page amazing astrology and wait for my book coming soon
All the glory to Danava Guru Shukracharya

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Bramhana – The most dangerous and Scared community in India

Monday, 8 June 2015

So its Buddh-Aditya yoga which is the most common yoga in more tgan 75% charta but its results can be much uncommon depending upon certain senarios.
It is a very strong yoga under the following circumstances-
1. The degreewise difference must be under 10- 12 degrees as being too much close to Sun make mercury combust and being too much away makes the yoga ineffective. 
2. Sun and mercury holds the benific position in kundali like lagna lord or yogkaraka or navmesha
3. The planet holding the higher degree must hold the benific position in kundali
4. This yoga form in quardant or trine
5. Last but tge best situation when Buddha Aditya yoga forms a corresponding vipreet rajyoga for example in Capricorn lagna Sun holds the 8th house and Mercury is the lord of 6th and 9th house so if Buddha- Aditya yoga forms in 8th or 6th house it will give rise to grand vipreet rajyoga whuch assures emmense fame for person as a celebrity
All glory to Danava Guru Shukracharya

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